Use cool Symbols on Facebook, MySpace & other Social Networks!
Hi and welcome to Social Symbols.Com - We are a bunch of geeks addicted to cool looking codes, characters & emoticons (~_^). Facebook Symbols and MySpace Symbols are very popular these days, everyone seems to be looking for awesome smiley codes & facial expressions, chat message Symbols and strange/cool looking Symbols to use on social network profiles.
We've gathered a list of several thousand cool Symbols you can use. Viewing the Symbols, otherwise all you'll be seeing is plain squares and nothing more. We have checked our pages on several systems and almost all Symbols show up well so you should not have much problems.
Almost all the Facebook, MySpace and other social network Symbols can be used simply by copy and pasting. Use these cool Symbols while chatting or create a cool username by using one of these awesome Symbols.
We have created several help pages which explain how you can create cool usernames on Viewing the Symbols & MySpace by adding Symbols with your username.
Facebook Symbols, MySpace Symbols, Emoticons and a Whole lot more!
Wow now you can show off with these cool looking character codes by adding cool Facebook & MySpace Symbols on your profiles, chat messages and usernames! Have fun and tell all your friends!
Featured Symbols
Weather Symbols
Awesome collection of Weather Symbols like the sun, moon, rain, umbrella, clouds and more. Put up these great weather codes on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Weather Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Money/Currency Symbols
Big collection of money Symbols from sterling pound, euro, rupee, dollars, Thai baht, Japanese Yen and many more. Get freakishly foreign with a international money symbol on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Money/Currency Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Circled Number Symbols
Sweet collection of circled number Symbols from 1 through 20. Full circle numbers and parenthesized numbers. If you want to add a circled number, copy it here on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Circled Number Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Circled Alphabet Symbols Uppercase
Circled Alphabets in Uppercase ( Cap letters ). From A through Z. All letters have a full round circle. Put these cool circled alphabets on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Circled Alphabet Symbols Uppercase I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Circled Alphabet Symbols Lowercase
Just like the Circled Alphabets above except these are lowercase. Grab small letter alphabets with full circled to put on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Circled Alphabet Symbols Lowercase I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Kanji Symbols
Ahh the beautiful and elegant Kanji Symbols. Over 200! We hope your PC supports these Kanji letters because they look great! Get artistically Asian with some Kanji characters that you can put on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Kanji Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Square Symbols
These are from the Geometry Symbols set. We broke it up so you can have pure Squares. How sweet ;-)! -Put some cool Square shapes on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Square Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Circle Symbols
You've seen Squares, now check these cool Circles below. Pretty neat isn't it? Put up some cool Circle shapes on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Circle Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Triangle & Diamond Symbols
Ok so you checked out Squares and Circles, now check out these funky Triangle & Diamond Symbols. Yep we know, they are fab! Put up these funky Triangle & Diamond Symbols on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Triangle & Diamond Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
All Symbols for Facebook and MySpace
Arrow & Pointer Symbols
Awesome collection of arrows and pointers in every direction you can think of! Put these cool Arrows and Pointers on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Arrow & Pointer Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Block & Box Symbols
Awesome collection of assorted blocks and boxes in many styles! Put these cool Blocks and Boxes on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Block & Box Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Braille Symbols
Collection of braille characters. Braille is the alphabet system which let's blind people read through touch. You can create many artistic characters by using Braille Symbols like smiley faces and facial expressions on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Braille Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Musical Note Symbols
Awesome collection of music sound notes. If you're into music, why not add a cool Music note with your username? Put a cool looking musical note on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Musical Note Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Diacritical Marks Symbols
Nice collection of diacritical marks. These Symbols are great for creating cool Facebook Emoticons! Make some nice characters with these diacritical mark Symbols and put them on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Diacritical Marks Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Dingbats Symbols
Good old Dingbats never let us down! Check this sweet collection of Dingbats which include Symbols like Scissors, Letters, Arrows, Stars, Flowers, Hearts, Cross, Hand signs and much more! Put these cool Dingbats on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Dingbats Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Domino Tiles Symbols
Like Domino Tiles. Remember playing these when you were young? Check this full collection of Domino Tiles and you put on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Domino Tiles Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Punctuation Marks Symbols
These Punctuation Mark characters include Symbols like quotation marks, lines, commas, asterisks, dots, lines, cross and more! Make awesome looking smileys and facial expressions and put it on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Punctuation Marks Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Geometric Shape Symbols
Awesome collection of Geometric Shapes. Squares, Triangles, Rectangles and Diamonds to put on your Facebook and MySpace profiles. Nice Symbols!
View character codes of Geometric Shape Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Horoscope / Zodiac Symbols
The 12 Zodiac Symbols for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces. Awesome looking Zodiac Symbols. Hey' put your Zodiac Sign on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Horoscope / Zodiac Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Card Symbols
Playing Card Symbols with Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades. get cool and fancy with one of these sweet Symbols on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Card Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Chess Symbols
If you're a fan of chess, these Symbols will suit you perfectly! Kings, Queens, Bishops and Pawns. Put your favorite chess Symbols on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Chess Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Male & Female Symbols
Sweet collection of Male and Female Symbols. Copy these on your Facebook and MySpace profiles.
View character codes of Male & Female Symbols I can use on Facebook & MySpace!
Misc Common Symbols
We thought you'd never ask! Show me common Facebook & MySpace Symbols? Here you go below!
☀ Black Sun With Rays Symbol☁ Cloud Symbol
☂ Umbrella Symbol
☃ Snow Symbol
☄ Comet Symbol
★ Black Star Symbol
☆ White Star Symbol
☇ Lightning Symbol
☈ Thunderstorm Symbol
☉ Sun Symbol
☊ Ascending Node Symbol
☋ Descending Node Symbol
☌ Conjunction Symbol
☍ Opposition Symbol
☎ Black Telephone Symbol
☏ White Telephone Symbol
☐ Ballot Box Symbol
☑ Ballot Box With Check Symbol
☒ Ballot Box With X Symbol
☓ Saltire Symbol
☔ Umbrella With Rain Drops Symbol
☕ Hot Beverage Symbol
☖ White Shogi Piece Symbol
☗ Black Shogi Piece Symbol
☘ Shamrock Symbol
☙ Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet Symbol
☚ Black Left Pointing Index Symbol
☛ Black Right Pointing Index Symbol
☜ White Left Pointing Index Symbol
☝ White Up Pointing Index Symbol
☞ White Right Pointing Index Symbol
☟ White Down Pointing Index Symbol
☠ Skull And Crossbones Symbol
☡ Caution Sign Symbol
☢ Radioactive Sign Symbol
☣ Biohazard Sign Symbol
☤ Caduceus Symbol
☥ Ankh Symbol
☦ Orthodox Cross Symbol
☧ Chi Rho Symbol
☨ Cross Of Lorraine Symbol
☩ Cross Of Jerusalem Symbol
☪ Star And Crescent Symbol
☫ Farsi Symbol
☬ Adi Shakti Symbol
☭ Hammer And Sickle Symbol
☮ Peace Symbol
☯ Yin Yang Symbol
☰ Trigram For Heaven Symbol
☱ Trigram For Lake Symbol
☲ Trigram For Fire Symbol
☳ Trigram For Thunder Symbol
☴ Trigram For Wind Symbol
☵ Trigram For Water Symbol
☶ Trigram For Mountain Symbol
☷ Trigram For Earth Symbol
☸ Wheel Of Dharma Symbol
☹ White Frowning Face Symbol
☺ White Smiling Face Symbol
☻ Black Smiling Face Symbol
☼ White Sun With Rays Symbol
☽ First Quarter Moon Symbol
☾ Last Quarter Moon Symbol
☿ Mercury Symbol
♀ Female Sign Symbol
♁ Earth Symbol
♂ Male Sign Symbol
♃ Jupiter Symbol
♄ Saturn Symbol
♅ Uranus Symbol
♆ Neptune Symbol
♇ Pluto Symbol
♈ Aries Symbol
♉ Taurus Symbol
♊ Gemini Symbol
♋ Cancer Symbol
♌ Leo Symbol
♍ Virgo Symbol
♎ Libra Symbol
♏ Scorpius Symbol
♐ Sagittarius Symbol
♑ Capricorn Symbol
♒ Aquarius Symbol
♓ Pisces Symbol
♔ White Chess King Symbol
♕ White Chess Queen Symbol
♖ White Chess Rook Symbol
♗ White Chess Bishop Symbol
♘ White Chess Knight Symbol
♙ White Chess Pawn Symbol
♚ Black Chess King Symbol
♛ Black Chess Queen Symbol
♜ Black Chess Rook Symbol
♝ Black Chess Bishop Symbol
♞ Black Chess Knight Symbol
♟ Black Chess Pawn Symbol
♠ Black Spade Suit Symboll
♡ White Heart Suit Symbol
♢ White Diamond Suit Symbol
♣ Black Club Suit Symboll
♤ White Spade Suit Symbol
♥ Black Heart Suit Symboll
♦ Black Diamond Suit Symboll
♧ White Club Suit Symbol
♨ Hot Springs Symbol
♩ Quarter Note Symbol
♪ Eighth Note Symbol
♫ Beamed Eighth Notes Symbol
♬ Beamed Sixteenth Notes Symbol
♭ Music Flat Sign Symbol
♮ Music Natural Sign Symbol
♯ Music Sharp Sign Symbol
♰ West Syriac Cross Symbol
♱ East Syriac Cross Symbol
♲ Universal Recycling Symbol
♳ Recycling Symbol
♴ Recycling Symbol
♵ Recycling Symbol
♶ Recycling Symbol
♷ Recycling Symbol
♸ Recycling Symbol
♹ Recycling Symbol
♺ Recycling Symbol
For Generic Materials Symbol
♻ Black Universal Recycling Symbol
♼ Recycled Paper Symbol
♽ Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol
♾ Per Symbol
ent Paper Sign Symbol
♿ Wheelchair Symbol
⚀ Die Face-1 Symbol
⚁ Die Face-2 Symbol
⚂ Die Face-3 Symbol
⚃ Die Face-4 Symbol
⚄ Die Face-5 Symbol
⚅ Die Face-6 Symbol
⚆ White Circle With Dot Right Symbol
⚇ White Circle With Two Dots Symbol
⚈ Black Circle With White Dot Right Symbol
⚉ Black Circle With Two White Dots Symbol
⚊ Monogram For Yang Symbol
⚋ Monogram For Yin Symbol
⚌ Digram For Greater Yang Symbol
⚍ Digram For Lesser Yin Symbol
⚎ Digram For Lesser Yang Symbol
⚏ Digram For Greater Yin Symbol
⚐ White Flag Symbol
⚑ Black Flag Symbol
⚒ Hammer And Pick Symbol
⚓ Anchor Symbol
⚔ Crossed Swords Symbol
⚕ Staff Of Aesculapius Symbol
⚖ Scales Symbol
⚗ Alembic Symbol
⚘ Flower Symbol
⚙ Gear Symbol
⚚ Staff Of Hermes Symbol
⚛ Atom Symbol
⚜ Fleur-De-Lis Symbol
⚝ Outlined White Star Symbol
⚞ Three Lines Converging Right Symbol
⚟ Three Lines Converging Left Symbol
⚠ Warning Sign Symbol
⚡ High Voltage Sign Symbol
⚢ Doubled Female Sign Symbol
⚣ Doubled Male Sign Symbol
⚤ Interlocked Female And Male Sign Symbol
⚥ Male And Female Sign Symbol
⚦ Male With Stroke Sign Symbol
⚧ Male With Stroke And Male And Female Sign Symbol
⚨ Vertical Male With Stroke Sign Symbol
⚩ Horizontal Male With Stroke Sign Symbol
⚪ Medium White Circle Symbol
⚫ Medium Black Circle Symbol
⚬ Medium Small White Circle Symbol
⚭ Marriage Symbol
⚮ Divorce Symbol
⚯ Unmarried Partnership Symbol
⚰ Coffin Symbol
⚱ Funeral Urn Symbol
⚲ Neuter Symbol
⚳ Ceres Symbol
⚴ Pallas Symbol
⚵ Juno Symbol
⚶ Vesta Symbol
⚷ Chiron Symbol
⚸ Black Moon Lilith Symbol
⚹ Sextile Symbol
⚺ Semisextile Symbol
⚻ Quincunx Symbol
⚼ Sesquiquadrate Symbol
⚽ Soccer Ball Symbol
⚾ Baseball Symbol
⚿ Squared Key Symbol
⛀ White Draughts Symbol
⛁ White Draughts King Symbol
⛂ Black Draughts Symbol
⛃ Black Draughts King Symbol
⛄ Snow Symbol
Without Snow Symbol
⛅ Sun Behind Cloud Symbol
⛆ Rain Symbol
⛇ Black Snow Symbol
⛈ Thunder Cloud And Rain Symbol
⛉ Turned White Shogi Piece Symbol
⛊ Turned Black Shogi Piece Symbol
⛋ White Diamond In Square Symbol
⛌ Crossing Lanes Symbol
⛍ Disabled Car Symbol
⛏ Pick Symbol
⛐ Car Sliding Symbol
⛑ Helmet With White Cross Symbol
⛒ Circled Crossing Lanes Symbol
⛓ Chains Symbol
⛔ No Entry Symbol
⛕ Alternate One-Way Left Way Traffic Symbol
⛖ Black Two-Way Left Way Traffic Symbol
⛗ White Two-Way Left Way Traffic Symbol
⛘ Black Left Lane Merge Symbol
⛙ White Left Lane Merge Symbol
⛚ Drive Slow Sign Symbol
⛛ Heavy White Down-Pointing Triangle Symbol
⛜ Left Closed Entry Symbol
⛝ Squared Saltire Symbol
⛞ Falling Diagonal In White Circle In Black Square Symbol
⛟ Black Truck Symbol
⛠ Restricted Left Entry-1 Symbol
⛡ Restricted Left Entry-2 Symbol
⛣ Heavy Circle With Stroke And Two Dots Above Symbol
⛨ Black Cross On Shield Symbol
⛩ Shinto Shrine Symbol
⛪ Church Symbol
⛫ Castle Symbol
⛬ Historic Site Symbol
⛭ Gear Without Hub Symbol
⛮ Gear With Handles Symbol
⛯ Map Symbol
⛰ Mountain Symbol
⛱ Umbrella On Ground Symbol
⛲ Fountain Symbol
⛳ Flag In Hole Symbol
⛴ Ferry Symbol
⛵ Sailboat Symbol
⛶ Square Four Corners Symbol
⛷ Skier Symbol
⛸ Ice Skate Symbol
⛹ Person With Ball Symbol
⛺ Tent Symbol
⛻ Japanese Bank Symbol
⛼ Headstone Graveyard Symbol
⛽ Fuel Pump Symbol
⛾ Cup On Black Square Symbol
⛿ White Flag With Horizontal Middle Black Stripe Symbol
Misc Common Symbols
Facebook, MySpace and Social Network Fans!
At Social Symbols.Com, our goal is to bring you as many Symbols as possible in so many themes, it will get mind boggling! And that's a good thing (>’.’<)
If you're on Facebook & MySpace or any other Social network! if you like chatting and creating cool profiles or posting neat messages, we'll showcase you some great looking Symbols, Codes and Characters.
We will be updating the site with new Symbols for Facebook and MySpace frequently so check us out often. Bookmark our site, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and MySpace! - And don't forget to tell all your friends. You'll find easy to use tools on the right to bookmark our site and email your friends.
If you'd like to link to us, Thanks a bunch! we'd be delighted and very happy :D - Just copy the link code in the box below and paste it on your site or blog. Additionally if you'd like to link to a specific page, you can find the link code box at the bottom of each page just above the comments area.
Facebook Symbols, MySpace Symbols, codes, characters and emoticons from SocialSymbols.Com
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